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Extreme Aggressive Dog Training Before & After!Christina Shusterich NYCleverK9
Christina Shusterich NY Clever K9

Extreme Aggressive Dog Training Before & After!Christina Shusterich NYCleverK9

"After" begins at 43 secs.

Services List

Expert Dog Behaviorist

Seeking a Proven, Acclaimed Dog Behaviorist?
Look No Further.

3 in 1 Comprehensive Evaluation, Treatment Program & Treatment Start

I believe it is imperative to provide the best possible quality care of your dog and most effective, permanent treatment as quickly as possible including the most severe, complex cases and those failed at previously - all dogs welcome!

For over 20 years I have specialized and become a recognized expert in preventing dogs from being given up due to behavior problems that CAN be effectively treated, keeping countless dogs and owners happy and harmonious together for life - my life mission.  Together using my created, proven, trademarked Total Harmony Dog Transformation® System we can release you and your dog from the prison of a behavior problem(s) no matter how severe, complex, if multiple problems and regardless of how many methods you have tried previously, while attaining the ultimate level of communication, love and harmony between you and your dog!

Every Dog Behavior Problem Effectively Treated including multiple simultaneously:

  • Aggression. All forms of aggression resolved including leash aggression, resource guarding, inter-dog aggression, touch aggression, territorial aggression, stranger aggression, possessive aggression and more.

  • Fear/Anxiety. All forms, reach out to me if your dog is exhibiting any signs of fear or anxiety including separation anxiety, fear of people, fear on walks, fear of noises or sights, touch anxiety, fear of car rides, vet, or anxiety caused by changes such as moving, new baby to home, divorces, or similar transitions. 

  • Fear Aggression. This focuses on effective treatment of all behavior problems that result in the combination of both fearful and aggressive dog behavior. 

  • Rehabilitation. As a Shelter Dog Expert I rehabilitate all dogs with histories of abuse, neglect, and severely impoverished backgrounds such as puppy mill dogs. 


I understand you and your dog are suffering as well as potentially being faced with serious real life consequences that can be desperate. But there is hope regardless of prior failures. From 20 years experience, I can help with real life repercussions that are further pressuring you and understanding the urgency of resolving behavior problems, I treat every case as quickly as possible. Contact me today about your dog to get the real help you and your dog truly deserve.

In person, In and Out Home Real Life Behavior Treatment Program Tailored to your Dog, Yourself and Your Environment where Problems are actually created and occurring 

  • All behavior problems are evaluated and treated in your dog’s real life environment in your home and on your walks from your own home/apt. building and neighborhood (which varies widely between clients), where they are actually created and happening, and not within an artificial re-creation in a facility which can dramatically alter a dog’s natural, occurring behavior and never virtually, cannot train or treat a dog with behavior problems by describing to you. We thoroughly agree with the American Kennel Club that behavior problems cannot be treated virtually.

  • I travel to your particular location and take on the travel time, cost and effort - at no additional charge to you.

  • Due to its crucial nature, all behavior problem treatment is done with Christina Shusterich, not a lesser accomplished employee!

3 in 1 Completely Comprehensive - Behavior Evaluation,
Tailored Treatment Program & Treatment Start Session
2 hours $399.

Contact me with a detailed description of the problems you are experiencing.

What is it? What does it include?

I Evaluate your dog where the problems are actually occurring to clearly determine all behavior issues, causes, intensity level of your dog’s reactions, triggers and trigger distances of the problem behavior and to specifically tailor my Treatment Program to your dog, yourself and your real environment, dogs acting radically different in different environments.  Additionally, prior to meeting as part of my evaluation I have you complete my extensive detailed questionnaire regarding your dog’s behavior, as well as ask you to provide a history of your dog, both of which I analyze prior to our in person meeting.  

With this extensive diagnostic assessment Evaluation, my Treatment Program is tailored to your dog’s specific problem or multiple problems, to work effectively in your specific living environment and taking into account your lifestyle. Additionally, as part of your Treatment Program Start the optimum setup of your home is created including immediate ways to continuously reduce and treat your dog’s reactivity level, calming your dog on a daily basis to speed treatment and actively engage and occupy your dog by meeting your dog’s natural drives and instincts for exercise and mental stimulation as dogs.  In addition to your Program, very extensive handouts are provided including my behavior modification handbook, you are taught “Dog Speak” - how to effectively read, understand and predict your dog’s behavior (especially aggression) to change it, identify canine stress signals, proper dog handling techniques and body language, ultimate toys and more.


My acclaimed Total Harmony Dog Transformation® System is designed to treat behavior problems successfully and as rapidly as possible. I work with your dog directly but you participate in order to ensure your successfully handling of your dog when we are finished, as well as to speed the treatment process by providing you with specific homework to work on in between sessions. It is critical to provide you and your dog with relief as quickly as possible from the behavior problem(s), which tend to completely overwhelm your relationship, your life and also often have very serious real life consequences such as eviction threats, dangerous situations and the potential for giving up your dog. The number of sessions depends upon the behavior problem, whether single or multiple problems, intensity level, trigger number and frequency, beginning existing relationship between dog and client and especially client complying with every aspect of the program and practicing between sessions and is discussed after your dog has been Evaluated. 
The fee per session is $240, 1 hour 10 min


*Coverage area includes most of NYC, Long Island, Queens, dog behaviorist

Christina's Virtual Super Skype World Class
"All Dog Solutions" Tailored to Your Dog!

Vetted Media Dog Expert Christina has advised on a variety of more than
70 dog issues, published around the world
What do you and your dog need help with?

As a rare "go to" vetted Media Dog Expert, with her keen, innovative insights, encyclopedic knowledge, Total Harmony Dog Transformation  System and 20 years experience, Christina has provided her dog solutions nationally and internationally across all media - TV, magazines, newspapers, radio, podcasts,  articles and books and has contributed over 70 times advising on a vast, diverse array of Puppy and Dog Issues.  

Christina is an unparalleled proven authority for solving dog's issues -

custom tailored to you and your dog's needs!

Behavior modification, Obedience issues, preventing and treating behavior problems including Separation Anxiety, Welcome Home Happy Adjustment Session for shelter/rescue dogs including puppy mill rescues, best ways to prepare your dog for a New Baby, creating Dog and Cat BFF's, Perfect Puppy, Housetraining, how to smoothly Acclimate dogs to new situations - Moves, Car rides, Divorces and New partners; Soothing Grooming, Super Seniors, and more!

Bonus! In addition to specific handouts provided for each issue,  Christina also provides free to each dog owner:  How to accurately “speak dog” by understanding dog body language (quite different from our own) and correctly read, understand and predict dog behavior, identifying signs of stress in your dog, the optimal set up of your home for meeting your dog’s natural drives and instincts for exercise and mental stimulation as dogs, proper handling techniques, ultimate best toys.

**Treatment of canine behavior problems caused by aggression, fear aggression not effectively treatable virtually,  contact me to treat in person. Some fear issues can be treated remotely, contact  if uncertain**


All Sessions are directly with Christina Shusterich!

NY Clever K9 Program Dog and New Baby
Lexi  whippet mix Perfect Puppy Session

Popular Designed Sessions:

Separation Anxiety: 3 in 1 - Evaluation, Treatment Program & Treatment Start - 120 min (2 hours)

Perfect Puppy Session:  Housetraining, the scientifically proven critical time periods of puppy development including socialization and how to best meet them (despite shots restrictions) to create a dog that will be comfortable and confident with dogs, people, and overly stimulating situations (crowds, traffic, buses, bikes etc) and prevent behavior problems from developing, the mental & physical requirements of your puppy and fun ways to satisfy them, essential best home set up for housetraining and to create optimal mental and physical development, best toys to occupy, channel energy and preventing destructiveness, redirecting puppy chewing/biting/mouthing so as to not be a human toy, eliminating pushy behaviors like jumping up, whining/crying/barking behaviors for attention. Handouts included and emailed to you: 10 page Housetraining Guide, Puppy Training Guide, best toys and where to find them, proven extra durable toys. Minimum 75 min session

Help! Housetraining Session: Critical best home set up for you and your puppy or adult dog, detailed instructions covering every aspect of effective housetraining including how to eliminate on command, the times puppies to adult dogs need to eliminate, how to begin or transition out of wee wee pads, how to eliminate only outside, or inside and outside, 10 page guide included. Minimum 1 hour session

Rescue Dog “Welcome Home!” Acclimation Session: This session is designed to successfully acclimatize your dog or puppy to his new home while preventing the problems of destructiveness, housetraining issues and anxiety. It provides techniques to immediately reduce stress, build confidence,  promote your dog’s optimal development and prevent behavior problems.  This 2 hour session includes:  Optimal set up of your home including ways to create a calming and encouraging environment, fun and convenient ways to exercise your dog to provide consistent daily aerobic and mental exercise and keep your dog calm throughout the day and with a much needed routine and a successful job to perform, best toys to engage, mentally stimulate and even exercise your dog including proven extra durable toys for strong chewers, creating stress free absences and ways to prevent separation anxiety from developing as described in Christina’s article “8 Ways to Soothe Separation Anxiety”, on Inside Edition and broadcast on wikiHow, and extensive handouts including a 10 page housetraining guide for puppies and adult dogs from a shelter environment and Christina’s Obedience Training Handbook. Can view Christina’s Shelter Work Reviews. Minimum 75 min (1 hour 15 min) session.

Creating Stress Free Adjustments: Including moving, new pet to home, fun car rides. Minimum 1 hour session

Acclimating cats and dogs to a positive, safe relationship. Minimum 75 min (1 hour 15 min) session

New Baby to Home Program: The best new baby to home program to safely and lovingly bond your baby and dog as I demonstrated on CBS News and quoted in Fit Pregnancy Magazine. This 1½ hour session prepares your dog for a happy adjustment to your new baby. *For virtual, your dog would need to have no behavior issues (no problems with any aggression or fear) and know some basic commands or an in home session is needed. Minimum 90 min (1 hour 30 min) session.

Super Seniors! Enriching the life of senior dogs to be as peaceful and happy as possible! Creating the best environment for comfortable health, safety and fun! Exercising mentally (old dogs can learn new tricks!), best toys for seniors, preventing behavior issues due to declining health and diminishing senses. Minimum 1 hour session

Soothing Grooming: Transforming groomingputting on harnesses/collars/coats from an aversive to a peaceful, bonding experience. Minimum 75 min (1 hour 15 min)

Create your Own Session!


Sessions tailored to your dog’s specific needs with effective solutions for single or any combination of issues such as:  Solutions for all puppy issues including mouthing, destructiveness, critical socialization periods, housetraining; separation anxiety counseling, obedience training issues such as eliminating bribing with treats for obedience, destructiveness, begging, jumping up, eliminating controlling, pushy behaviors, having to repeat commands; ways to help rehabilitate, calm and build confidence in dogs with challenging past histories; how to prevent behavior problems from starting in all dogs; best toys to occupy, exercise physically and mentally, calm and channel your dog’s natural instincts; and any other dog related questions you may have. Also, solutions for the more than 70 issues Christina has provided her expert advice for in her Media Library tailored and zoomed in to your unique dog and environment!

**Treatment of Behavior Problems from Aggression, Fear Aggression and most fear issues not appropriate for Virtual sessions.  For behavior problems go to Dog Behaviorist *If uncertain if your issue is effectively treated remotely please contact me **


Register for Super Skype Solutions Sessions:


Acclimating Dogs and Cats to BFF's!

60 minutes - $195;  75 minutes (1 hour 15 min) - $220,   90 min (1 1/2 hours) - $245;  120 minutes (2 hours) - $299  
Designed Sessions Necessary Fixed times:  Help Housetraining!- 60 minutes,  Perfect Puppy Session- 90min;  Best New Baby to Home- 90 minutes;  Acclimating Cats and Dogs- 75 min; Creating Stess Free Adjustments- 75 minutes,  Rescue Dog “Welcome Home!” Acclimation Session- 90 minutes, Separation Anxiety 3 in 1 -120 minutes (2 hours)
*Mandatory collection NYC Sales Tax of 8.875% is required and will be added to Total by law.

Virtual World Class Puppy & Dog Solutions
Effective, Enduring Obedience Dog Training

Behavioral Obedience Dog Training
Expert, Effective and Enduring Positive Dog Training

NY Clever K9 Dog Training Happy Dog!

As an Acclaimed Dog Trainer - Named an rare APDT Top Trainer, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers the largest and most respected dog training association worldwide, voted Best Behaviorist and Dog Training over 8 years, and more (see Awards) all Obedience Training is based on the proven science of behavior modification with active learning on your dog’s part and we create a closer relationship between you and your dog by achieving effective communication with verbal commands and hand signals – physical coercion and punishers such as e-collars are never used.


The Basic Obedience Package provides every essential command and is tailored to your dog. Training takes place within the home where the behaviors are to be learned or eliminated with the proper set up of your home included.  Training also takes place outside of the home as part of your daily life (e.g. walking, eliminating, playing etc.). *not appropriate for dogs behavior problems involving aggression and/or fear, please see Dog Behaviorist Services, contact me directly

In Home Expert Private Obedience Training Tailored to Your Dog and Your Environment  – The Most Encompassing Training Program Available

Basic Obedience Training Package: All Dogs, puppies over 12 weeks:

  • 7 essential commands tailored to your dog can include sit, down, stay, come, loose leash walking next to handler, attention, release

  • Housetraining including Christina’s 10 page Guide

  • Eliminating jumping, excessive mouthing and destructiveness

  • Fun ways to easily and consistently exercise your dog in your home, meeting your dog’s need for aerobic exercise and preventing hyperactivity

  • Optimal set up your home for meeting your dog’s needs as a dog, preventing boredom  and fostering your dog’s mental and physical peak condition

  • For puppies, meeting critical periods of development, including critical socialization times

  • Extensive instructional handouts including my Behavior Modification Handbook included as well as written homework for practice between sessions

Basic Obedience Package consists of: 4- 70 min sessions (1 hr 10 min), $695, representing a discount of $85 over individual sessions.

Fee per individual Basic Obedience Session – $195

Coverage area most of Long Island, Queens,  NYC dog training


The correct time for Basic Obedience Training in puppies is 12 weeks old. 

However, this misses much in meeting the very important needs of puppies prior, including actual socialization time periods and ways to prevent behavior problems from developing, and rather excel and grow both mentally and physically to peak condition as puppies which greatly affects them as adults.


We also easily create the best puppy and dog fulfilling environment for dogs as dogs (our home environments are where are dog spend most of their time and are not natural, instinctive dog environments - dogs don't read books, talk on the phone, surf the net) and create the

happiest dogs and owners!

Perfect Puppy Session, for puppies under 12 weeks:  Includes: All preperations for your new puppy, critical time periods of development including Socialization and how to best meet them, mental & physical requirements of your puppy and fun ways to satisfy them housetraining, best home set up for you and your puppy, ways to prevent behavior problems from developing, redirecting puppy chewing/biting/mouthing so as to not be a human toy, eliminating destructiveness, whining/crying/barking behaviors for attention, best toys to occupy, channel energy and aid in your puppy’s development. Handouts included: Housetraining Guide, Critical Socialization Periods, Puppy Training Guide, Proper Handling, Best puppy toys and where to find them. 
1 hr 30 min $245:
 or in person

Help! Housetraining Session 1 hr $199: Critical best home set up for you and your puppy or adult dog, detailed instructions covering every aspect of effective housetraining including how to eliminate on command, the times puppies to adult dogs need to eliminate, how to begin or transition out of wee wee pads, how to eliminate only outside, 10 page guide included.
Virtual or in person  

Free Bonus Included! 

As a Dog Behavior Expert devoted to keeping dogs and owners happy and harmonious Christina also provides free to each dog owner:  How to accurately “speak dog” by understanding dog body language (quite different from our own) and correctly read, understand and predict dog behavior, identifying signs of stress in your dog, preventing behavior problems, the optimal set up of your home for meeting your dog’s natural drives and instincts for exercise and mental stimulation as dogs, proper handling techniques, ultimate best toys. 

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NY Clever K9 Contact Us

Dog Expert

Christina Shusterich Dog Media Expert  Broadcast  TV  Radio  Podcasts Press

Dog Writer, Author

Dog Spokesperson  

Dog Industry Consultant  
Expert Witness


Christina Shusterich named a Top Dog Trainer APDT, the largest dog trainer association worldwide, Voted Best Dog Behaviorist, Best Dog Training multiple sources, Best Dog Aggression Behaviorist NYC 

20 years Acclaimed National & International Dog Behavior Expert
Dog Behaviorist
Top Dog Trainer

Locations - NYC Dog Behaviorist, Dog Training NYC, Queens Dog Trainer, Dog Training Queens, Dog Behaviorist NYC, Queens Dog Behaviorist, dog training Long Island, dog trainer nyc, long island dog behaviorist, dog behaviorist Queens, dog behaviorist suffolk, dog trainer nyc, dog behaviorist long island

Christina Shusterich Author named a Top Dog Trainer and most Tips Published in APDT book
Dog Expert Author Christina Shusterich published internationally Assoc. of Companion Animal Behavior Counselors
Dog Behavior Expert Christina Shusterich Book Hopeless Dog to Happy Dog!

©2025 by NY Clever K9 Inc. Dog Behaviorist Dog Training. 

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